Student Opportunities
Westhampton College supports volunteer, mentorship, and leadership opportunities for students throughout the year, ranging from assisting with celebrations or community events, to mentoring a new student, to working in the office. If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed please contact the person listed in each section below.
Westhampton Student Government
There are three branches of student government: the Westhampton College Government Association (WCGA), the Honor Council (HC), and the Student Conduct Council (SCC). Each provides a meaningful opportunity to serve our community and be an active part of both the College and the University.
If you are interested in being part of any branch, please follow the link to each site and contact the president of WCGA, the chair of the HC, or the chair of the SCC. Dean Mia Reinoso Genoni is the advisor for WCGA and the HC (mgenoni@richmond.edu) and Associate Dean Zara Sibtain is the advisor for the SCC (zsibtain@richmond.edu).
Connecting Womxn of Color Conference Ambassadors
The Connecting Womxn of Color Conference is one of Westhampton’s signature and most beloved events. Each year we hire approximately 6-8 students to serve as ambassadors, to promote and support the conference in a variety of ways. Student support is integral to the continued success of this conference, and is a great way to get involved. The commitment is about 4 to 6 weeks, starting before the event itself and including attendance, if possible. Any and all interested students are welcome to join our ambassador team! For more information, please contact Associate Dean Zara Sibtain at zsibtain@richmond.edu.
Proclamation Ushers
Proclamation cannot take place without assistance from our sophomore and junior students who serve as event organizers and ushers before, during, and after the ceremony. Each year, we need approximately 30 students to assist the Westhampton College Honor Council’s Proclamation Chair and the Westhampton College Dean’s Office, so that we can ensure the celebration runs smoothly for our new and senior students. This volunteer opportunity asks students to give approximately 4-5 hours of assistance on the day of Proclamation. For more information, please contact Associate Dean Kerry Albright Fankhauser at kfankhau@richmond.edu.
Ring Dance
Ring Dance requires assistance from a number of students in order to help the event run smoothly. Students are needed to serve as ushers which includes financial compensation as well as a ticket to the event. Ushers agree to attend Ring Dance rehearsal and Ring Dance in order to fulfill their responsibilities. Assignments vary; many ushers are tasked with assisting students as they line up for the procession while others may help with programs, class rings, etc. The ushers’ responsibilities conclude after the procession, at which time they are free to enjoy the event with their friends. For more information, please contact Associate Dean Kerry Albright Fankhauser at kfankhau@richmond.edu.
Employment in the Westhampton College Dean’s Office
Each year the Westhampton College Dean’s Office employs students to assist with a variety of responsibilities, including event set-up, social media advertising, and work in the office itself. These student employees become part of the Westhampton College team and often continue to work for us throughout their time at the university. For more information on employment opportunities at Westhampton College, please contact Administrative Specialist Cindy McGuire at cmcguire@richmond.edu.