Connecting Womxn of Color Dinner

Connecting Womxn of Color Conference

Save the Date! The Connecting Womxn of Color Dinner will be held on Tuesday, 21 October 2025 at 5:30 p.m. at the Queally Center. This year's theme and more information will be available in the fall. 

The Connecting Womxn of Color Dinner cultivates an outlet on campus that centers both intellectual and personal development in which women and gender-expansive individuals of color and their allies can have meaningful dialogues around issues important to them. After the networking social hour, we will help ourselves to a wonderful buffet and join a table for dinner. Each table will feature a faculty or staff host, who will help guide and support our conversations. As we actively work on this campus to create and sustain communities in which everyone belongs – and feels that they belong – on this night we mindfully come together to talk about topics that matter to us, finding ways to uplift each other and celebrate ourselves.



Registration information will be available in the fall. All are welcome! 

For questions, please contact Ashley Daly, Assistant Dean of Westhampton College, at or 804-289-8468.